Creu Roja Catalunya wanted to record its thanks to all the people, institutions, individuals and companies that responded to the emergency situation caused by COVID throughout the long crisis since March 2019. Josep Quitet,
President of Creu Roja a Catalunya, wanted to personally express the success of the Pla Creu Roja RESPON campaign against Coronavirus in an event at the Auditori of its headquarters. The mobilization and response capacity of Creu Roja to the different emergencies reached unprecedented dimensions in the very different areas, coverage and situations in which citizens turned to Creu Roja.
Josep Quitet referred to the million and a half beneficiaries of food (4.7 tons), prepaid cards (72,773), basic aid kids (111,309) or more than 600,000 people assisted thanks to a total of 422 collaborating companies that offered 185 economic donations and 574 product donations, with an increase of 13% of members and 9,049 volunteers, mostly young people as he wanted to emphasize. Enric Molist, Coordinator, and Helena Fontanet, Secretary of Creu Roja Catalunya, gave an account of the data collected throughout a historic crisis. The members of Creu Roja’s Advisory Committee also expressed their satisfaction with the work carried out.
The Ricky Rubio Foundation and Ricky Rubio himself, who volunteered to provide a direct service to the community, were invited to this act of gratitude, which was attended by the president of the Foundation, Esteve Rubio.
The event was closed by the Conseller d’Empresa i Treball del Govern de la Generalitat, Roger Torrent.