“I have always thought that there are two types of matches: the easy and the difficult ones. Now, I realise that there are some matches which you will never be prepared”, this is how Luca, who faced an agressive cancer and a difficult prognosis when he was eleven, describes the superation of this situation in which he was never alone. All the people around him, his family, his school friends, his basketball team and CB Mataró, accompanied him from the beginning without suspecting or imagining that after a few months someone very special would join them, Ricky Rubio, the NBA international basketball player.
The documentary film Stronger Together is about how this story of friendship and overcomening between Luca and Ricky developed and grew. A film directed by Alex Torres and produced by ALTO, which already had a great reception last year at the Filmets festival in Badalona, within the sports section.
The moment when Ricky and Luca met each other thanks to his coach in Mataró, Lluís Escudero, who also had trained Ricky at the same age of Luca, was an extraordinary and inspiring episode that was the key for the NBA star to launch The Ricky Rubio Foundation.
Luca‘s trip to New York to attend the match between Knicks and Utah in march of 2019, convinced Ricky Rubio the necessity to continue with this project. That’s how the Luca Project of the Ricky Rubio Foundation was born, by which three kids from the Pediatric Oncology of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital will live the same experience: being with Ricky at an NBA game. On the occasion of the presentation of Luca Project at Vall d’Hebron last summer, the three new travellers Ona, Kyle and Eric met Ricky Rubio and Luca, who has became their mentor to take the maximum advantage of this new experience. A few weeks ago, in the middle of the quarantine, Luca has received the definitive medical discharge.